Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The days have been a bit gloomy lately.
But there is always time for a little fun and it was still nice enough for a walk on my favorite beach last week while Nate was on vacation...

Although, this is what I wish it was like:
(in the photos above, we are standing all the way over by the lighthouse pictured in the corner below)

I hope you all have been up to wonderful things!



  1. after a LONG day at work, picture #5 put a smile on my face! I too am not fond of gloomy days, but looks like you guys made the most of it. I've gotten so many compliments and inquiries on my beloved antler bangle! I'm sending them to your etsy sight. You must make more! i want them all up and down my arm. ps thanks for joining my "tribe". Peace.

  2. it has been a bit gloomy here lately too, although with a sunny day here and there. glad you are still getting out and exploring - and having fun!
