Monday, March 18, 2013

The Last Stops

The last few towns we were in before I left for home:
Tecino (Lugano), Prattln and Zurich.

There aren't many pictures to truly represent the last few stops before I left Switzerland, those may have to wait a bit for Katrin to get home (I put most of my photos on her computer to save room on my camera) or for me to upload and edit the ones on my "real" camera.
In the meantime, a photo of me with one of the largest rosemary plants I have ever seen, along with a sunset behind the mountains in Tecino. Kat playing in the tapas bar, Corazon, in Zurich and then my view from the airplane window heading home.
No pictures from Prattln. I never thought I could say this, but I think it must have been the bum-hole of Switzerland, it was all industrial and not pretty at all. Honestly, we couldn't wait to get up the next morning and leave for Zurich (which is a wonderful city, I must say. And this is coming from someone who isn't a city person!).
So now I am home, trying to teach myself German and get back into the swing of things.
It is definitely an adjustment, after being gone for almost 2 weeks, I had just started to settle into the routine there, as well as feel a little calmer about the language barrier.

Today I will be trying to catch up on some things for business, as well as try to clean up the house a little bit. You know, super fun stuff...

How have the last few weeks been for you?

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